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Tag: manage stress

2 Posts Here

Don’t Let Stress Affect Your Smile

April 30, 2024.Individuals.#Dental routine
Woman relaxing on couch

There are a lot of great reasons to focus on your mental and emotional well-being – it can strengthen your relationships, boost your productivity, and reduce your risk for anxiety and depression. But did you know that caring for your emotional health can also support your oral health?  Several oral health conditions can stem from, or be complicated by, excess levels of stress. These include: Canker sores Dry mouth Gum disease (periodontitis) Teeth grinding (bruxism) Say “yes” to self-care Self-care isn’t selfish. In fact, making sure you have time and space for yourself is a vital part of reducing stress. How you approach self-care should be unique to you, but here are a few tips for getting started: Try to exercise regularly. Even a short walk allows you to enjoy the scenery, while still bringing benefits of movement. Practice relaxation techniques such as yoga, guided meditation, or deep breathing. Eat […]

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Stress Management and Oral Health

April 1, 2022.Individuals.#bruxism
Fit woman holding a yoga mat at the beach

Stress affects your overall health and can negatively impact your oral health if left untreated. It is important to understand how stress can influence your oral and overall health and ways you can minimize or prevent it. Stress-related oral health conditions Here are a few examples of oral health issues that can be caused or worsened by stress. Gum disease, also referred to as periodontal disease, is when one’s gums become inflamed and may bleed. Without treatment, it can result in gum recession and tooth loss. Chronic stress can lower a person’s immune system, making it hard to fight off infection. Bruxism, or teeth griding and or jaw clenching, often occurs during sleep when people are not aware they are doing it. It can cause headaches, jaw soreness and wear down teeth or cause them to break or become loose. Tooth decay occurs when bacteria in plaque attacks the enamel […]

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