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Tag: dental exam

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Diabetic related health problems can occur in your mouth. Understand what to look for and how to help prevent oral health issues if you have diabetes.

November 4, 2019.Individuals.#dental exam

Diabetes affects more than 30 million people in the United States and one in four of them do not know they have it.1 It affects your body’s ability to produce or use insulin, a hormone that allows your body to turn sugar into energy. Excess sugar in your blood can lead to health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, kidney disease and oral health issues. Oral health problems associated with diabetes. Diabetics are more likely to experience gum disease at an earlier age than those who do not have the disease. Periodontal disease can also change blood glucose levels, making diabetes more difficult to manage. Understand how too much blood sugar can cause pain and infections in your mouth causing problems for your: Teeth. Due to high sugar or glucose blood levels, harmful bacteria can grow which can cause bad breath and also cause a soft, sticky […]

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A visit to the dentist could save your life

April 4, 2019.Individuals.#cancer

In 2019, it’s estimated that 53,000 people will get oral cancer and 10,860 people will die of these cancers in the United States.1 April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month – a time to focus on how to prevent cancer that can develop in the mouth and back of the throat. TruAssure encourages regular dental visits to help detect symptoms early. Any part of your mouth can be affected by oral cancer. The largest risk factors include: Tobacco – both smoking and smokeless tobacco products can cause cancers anywhere in the mouth or throat2 Alcohol – drinking and smoking together raises the risk of oral cancer even more than drinking or smoking alone3 Sun exposure – excessive and unprotected exposure to the sun is linked with cancer in the lip area4 Human papillomavirus (HPV) – it’s estimated that HPV causes 70 percent of oropharyngeal cancers, or cancers affecting the back of […]

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Oral Cancer: Symptoms, Risk Factors and Reducing Your Risk

April 2, 2018.Individuals.#alcohol

What is oral cancer? Oral cancer refers to cancer that starts in the mouth and generally, includes oropharyngeal cancer, which is cancer that starts in the throat just behind the mouth. The overall lifetime risk of developing oral cancer is approximately 1 in 60 for men and 141 for women.1 The prognosis for these cancers is good if caught early. If cancer has spread before diagnosis, the survival rate significantly decreases. Dentists play an important role in this early detection as they are the first line of defense in noticing and spotting changes in your mouth that could potentially indicate disease. Although a majority of people who develop oral cancer are over 60 years of age, people under the age of 40 have also been diagnosed in recent years making it clear that regular mouth exams are key no matter age.2  Symptoms The signs and symptoms of oral cancer may […]

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