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Tag: healthy eating

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Give Thanks for Your Smile

October 26, 2023.Individuals.#healthy eating
Family celebrating a holiday at the dinner table

Every November, millions sit down around the dinner table to share the ways they are thankful for one another. They also enjoy a Thanksgiving feast, one of the most anticipated meals of the year! With traditional dishes like mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, and pumpkin pie, Turkey Day is overflowing with everyone’s favorite comfort foods – but unfortunately, those foods are often also loaded with starches and sugars that can damage your teeth, contribute to gum disease, and negatively influence your health in general. So, as you sit down to your Thanksgiving dinner and consider what you’re grateful for, take a moment to recognize the connection between your diet, your smile, and your overall well-being. Your Mouth in Action One thing to give thanks for during the meal? The way your teeth, mouth, and tongue work together to make sure you can chew, taste, and enjoy your food: Incisors are […]

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Tips for Healthy Holiday Smiles

December 12, 2022.Individuals.#healthy eating
Family walking in winter and smiling

The holiday season is here, and so are all the tasty treats that come with it! While these traditional favorites are probably a staple of your festive celebrations, the starch and sugar they contain can wreak havoc on your pearly whites. Fortunately, you don’t have to miss out! Keep reading to learn tips that can help you keep your smile healthy and sparkling this holiday season. Keep your routine The holiday season is filled with plenty of hustle and bustle that can easily throw you off your oral health routine. It’s also a time for sweet treats and starchy foods – which can lead to plaque buildup and tooth decay – so it’s important to remember to brush for two minutes at least twice a day, and floss once each day. If you’re traveling and want to keep up good habits, pack a toothbrush and small tube of fluoride toothpaste […]

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