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Tag: Preventive oral care

3 Posts Here

Give Thanks for Your Smile

October 26, 2023.Individuals.#healthy eating
Family celebrating a holiday at the dinner table

Every November, millions sit down around the dinner table to share the ways they are thankful for one another. They also enjoy a Thanksgiving feast, one of the most anticipated meals of the year! With traditional dishes like mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, and pumpkin pie, Turkey Day is overflowing with everyone’s favorite comfort foods – but unfortunately, those foods are often also loaded with starches and sugars that can damage your teeth, contribute to gum disease, and negatively influence your health in general. So, as you sit down to your Thanksgiving dinner and consider what you’re grateful for, take a moment to recognize the connection between your diet, your smile, and your overall well-being. Your Mouth in Action One thing to give thanks for during the meal? The way your teeth, mouth, and tongue work together to make sure you can chew, taste, and enjoy your food: Incisors are […]

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Types of Dental Specialists

October 2, 2023.Individuals.#Dental Specialist
Dentist treating patients

When you think of dentistry, your family dental office may come first to mind. A visit to the dentist will often include teeth cleanings and preventive checkups, but the profession expands much further, and your general dentist is just one specialty in the field of dentistry. In honor of National Dental Hygiene Month, which is observed every October, we’ve outlined the most common types of dentists and dental specialists to help you make better-informed choices about specific dental concerns and when to see each one. General dentists (also known as a family dentist) are primary oral health providers, and the most common type of dentist. They play a critical role promoting good oral health habits and preventing dental issues by early detection and treatment of any conditions that could become more serious and costly down the road. Their main responsibilities include routine cleanings, X-rays, and educating patients about proper oral […]

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Tips for Choosing an In-Network Provider

April 25, 2023.Individuals.#dental exam
Dentist and patient smiling

Whether you’re looking for a dentist close to home, one with great recommendations from patients, or a dentist office with flexible office hours that fit your schedule, we make it easy to find dental care providers. Learn how to find an in-network provider and why choosing an in-network dentist can help you save money. Talk about something worth smiling about! What Does “In-Network Dentist” Mean? An in-network dentist means that your dentist is part of your dental plan, and they have agreed to provide you with dental care at your plan’s rate. An out-of-network dentist is separate from your dental plan and has not agreed to pre-established rates for treatment. You may choose to see an out-of-network dentist, but you may pay end up paying more out of your own pocket. The difference in fees between in- and out-of-network dentists is often called a “discount” or “network savings.” Those with […]

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