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Dental Utilization and TruAssure 2022 Service Snapshot

February 28, 2023.Claudia Rojas.0 Likes.0 Comments

Dental Utilization and TruAssure 2022 Service Snapshot

Dental utilization continues to climb. In 2021, TruAssure’s book of business management reports showed that members were returning to the dentist after a decline in 2020 due to the pandemic. The American Dental Association (ADA) released its Dental Spending Report for 2021 late last year, which showed private dental insurance spending rose by 11% while out-of-pocket expenses increased by 13%.  

According to a recent survey by Fractl, the majority of job seekers also place a heavy emphasis on the dental, vision, and health insurance benefits offered in a potential position. In fact, 88 percent of respondents reported giving “some consideration” or “heavy consideration” to these benefits when weighing a higher-paying job against a lower-paying job with better insurance coverage.  

Our network continues to stack up with more than 408,000 network access points and nearly 104,000 network unique dentists nationwide. 

The past year, TruAssure’s book of business reports showed that members continue to use their benefits. TruAssure members are not only using their benefits, but also making the most of their plan by using network dentists.  

While TruAssure members benefited from these claim savings, they also had a good customer experience. In 2022, we answered all calls in an average of 30 seconds and had a first call resolution rate of 99.7 percent. We also processed claims in an average of 2 business days with a processing accuracy of 98.4 percent and financial accuracy of 100 percent.  

Additionally, TruAssure regularly surveys members. In 2022, our surveys showed a net promoter score (NPS) of 21 for members. NPS is a measure of customer satisfaction and gauges the likelihood a customer will recommend a company to a friend or colleague. Anything above 0 is good and above 50 is excellent. TruAssure’s NPS scores are on par with industry benchmarks. We also measure customer effort score (CES), which is an indication of how easy it is to work with us and get the information they need from us. We measure CES on a scale of one to seven and scores 5 and over are an indication that we are easy to work with. Our member CES is 5.4. 

Check out our 2022 performance results.


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