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TruAssure Dental Benefits Plan Management Report

February 16, 2022.TruAssure.0 Likes.0 Comments

TruAssure Dental Benefits Plan Management Report

Black business woman working on her laptop

Truassure offers a comprehensive reporting package to help manage plan utilization and maximize benefits for group dental plans. This report is available to all individually underwritten groups at no additional cost. With this reporting package, eligible groups will receive an in-depth statistical analysis of plan members, claims, network usage, cost management savings and more, in an easy-to-read format.

Report Helps Groups Understand How Their Dental Plan is Performing

Each comprehensive report contains information to help groups understand how their dental plan is performing and how their members are utilizing their dental benefits. The report includes:

  • Report Overview – a dashboard of dental plan highlights
  • Member Statistics – a demographic profile of a group
  • Member Age Distribution – a comparison of a group’s age distribution to TruAssure’s average member age
  • Member Statistics & Claims – an analysis of total procedures billed, and amount paid by member enrollment status
  • Claim Distribution – a comparison of network claims versus non-network claims
  • Claim Payment Distribution – a breakdown of paid claims by dentist
  • Network Dentist Utilization – an overview of total procedures performed by network dentists and estimated fee savings
  • Claim Lag by Dollar Amount – a summary of claim payments by date and dollar amount paid
  • Claim Lag by Percentage – a summary of claim payments by date and percentage paid
  • Claim Turnaround – the amount of time taken to pay claims
  • Summary (Premiums/Claims/Enrolls) – an overview of claims costs and members enrolled
  • Claims by Coverage Category – a breakdown of paid claims by coverage category
  • Cost Management Savings – a summary of savings resulting from the utilization of TruAssure’s established cost management processes

image of TruAssure management report overview

Reports can be emailed on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual basis, depending on the group’s request.

For more information or to request our comprehensive reporting package, please contact your dedicated TruAssure representative or email [email protected].


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