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Coverage for Every Phase of Life

August 11, 2023.TruAssure.0 Likes.2 Comments

Coverage for Every Phase of Life

Parents smiling with child who has braces

Changes and transitions are an inevitable part of life, and with each one comes the need to assess our dental coverage options. Whether you are graduating from college, starting a new job, or getting married, it’s important to have a dental insurance plan that suits your needs. With our help, you can rest assured that you’ll have the dental coverage you need during each new chapter of your life.

Marriage and coverage changes

Marriage is considered a “qualifying life event.” After a qualifying life event, you can change your dental plan within a specified amount of time. If requested changes are not made in time, you may have to wait for open enrollment. Be sure to check your dental coverage to see when the adjustment will occur.

You have a few options within the qualifying life event period for changing coverage. You can:

  • Choose to keep your coverage as is
  • Become a dependent under your spouse’s plan
  • Make your spouse a dependent under your plan

If one party does become a dependent, they have the option to keep their current coverage or discontinue it. If coverage is maintained for both plans, you have what is known as “dual coverage,” and your plan would be considered the “primary” plan. The primary plan will pay its portion first, and the new secondary plan will act as a supplement.

Depending on what you choose, you may need to make a coverage update by contacting the HR departments of both spouses to request the change. If you don’t receive coverage through an employer, you can reach out directly to your dental plan provider. Knowing your options ahead of time can take some stress off your plate as you prepare for the big day.

Graduating and ongoing higher education

Another significant milestone for some is attending higher education or graduating from college, which may mean moving to a new state. In terms of plan coverage, there are two primary options for those under 26 years of age.

  • You can apply for coverage with your parent or stay on their plan. Before you decide, be sure to read your family’s coverage documents and review the provider network carefully. Avoid the inconvenience of being outside of network coverage and unable to access an in-network dentist.
  • You can apply for dental coverage on your own. You can shop for dental plans in the state where you list your permanent address. You can choose a plan that meets your specific dental needs and budget.

Coverage after graduating college

Talk with any potential employer about their benefit plan offerings. If you are under 26, you may continue to enroll in your parents’ plan. However, you may enroll in an employer’s group plan, regardless of age. Determine your personal needs and choose the most suitable plan coverage for yourself. If your employer does not offer dental benefits, you can also enroll in a dental plan directly with a carrier.

TruAssure offers a variety of comprehensive dental plans for individuals and families, which include options like three cleanings per year, white fillings on all teeth, teeth whitening, implants, orthodontia and more. Enroll in a TruAssure dental plan today.

Comments (2)

  • Jeff Lynch . June 26, 2022 . Reply

    Need to know how to find a dentist that takes tru assure.

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